MOAB & My Life as I Knew It…..

MOAB & My Life as I Knew It…..

Renegade Family, Moab, Downhill Mountain Biking


KUHL Weekly Musing

They say life is an adventure. Most of us believe that, but most “normal people” (including me) spend our lives going through the motions and miss the adventure part. We all start life as kids, dreaming big, our imaginations run free. No fear, no limits, or grown up, realistic boundaries to weigh down our thoughts.

As I’ve grown up and been pulled with interests and achievement of success, I’ve felt the narrowing of my “imagination eyes”. Not always being aware of this dulling. I have moved along day after day, finding Joy in many things. I haven’t lived an unhappy or depressed life but I have felt the growing weight of this flow of life that is somewhat pre-planned for us. The careers, cars, houses, clothes, toys etc. I’m 40 years old and have been married for 15 years and have 3 kids. I guess I should have a lot of stuff figured out by now, have a steady day to day job, mortgage, planned holidays and golf buddies. That plan didn’t take. For awhile, my wife and I worked towards that, but our spirits didn’t settle. We looked around at friends and co-workers and saw more unhappiness than happy. They had worked to gain ground but didn’t seem to feel content with the life that had developed for them.

Now I am not saying I have the magic formula or that I reserve the right to judge others, but if I see so many “normal people” discontent to some degree, why follow. My dad used to say “just cuz someone else does it, that means you should??” This usually came up when I got into trouble when hanging out with kids I shouldn’t have been hanging out with. There is more to that statement than he probably realized.

I sit writing this at a table on the banks of the Colorado River in Utah, near a town called Moab. I am not at writer or at least have not enjoyed it in the past and sure didn’t in school. I started writing in pen and then changed to pencil. My thoughts change, my grammar isn’t top shelf and also the pen sucked and was letting me down. A pencil fits better in my hand and also fits better with my scratching down thoughts during this adventure. Until next time….. Mike

Renegade Family, Moab, Downhill Mountain Biking

Renegade Family, Arches Natinal Park

Renegade Family, Moab, Downhill Mountain Biking

Renegade Family, Moab, Downhill Mountain Biking

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, The Three Gossips

Renegade Family, Arches Natinal Park, Yoga Anywhere

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, The Three Gossips

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Delicate Arch

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Renegade Family

Renegade Family, Delicate Arch, Renegade Family, Arches Natinal Park

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Delicate Arch, Renegade Family

Renegade Family, Arches Natinal Park

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Garden of Eden, Climber

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Garden of Eden

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Garden of Eden

Renegade Family, Arches National Park, Garden of Eden

Renegade Family, Canyonlands National Park, Double Arch

Renegade Family, Canyonlands National Park, Double Arch

Renegade Family, Canyonlands National Park, Mesa Arch

Renegade Family, Canyonlands National Park, Mesa Arch

Renegade Family, Canyonlands National Park, Mesa Arch

Renegade Family, Canyonlands National Park



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